Saturday, March 13, 2010

Tiger Woods is a PR genius?

I'm not a big golf fan and I don't follow it. But everyone knows Tiger Woods, especially of late. The man who is known to be one of the best (if not The Best) golf players of all time, has been on a hot seat lately due to his "extra curricular activities". But who cares what he does in his private time, right? Wrong!

People love gossips especially if there is a well known personality involved. It's not something we aspire our society to be, that's reality. Sex and dirt sells.

So the usual media expose happens, with critics bashing Woods left right and centre. His response in the first few weeks, silence! Many of my professional friends have asked, "What kind PR advice is he getting?".

Doesn't he know that a no comment and media blackout actually says something else?

It seems like everything is headed downhill. Or is it?

Hardly 3 months after the episode, pundits and experts are talking about the golf without Woods. And the best part, they are talking about his "return" when he's hardly even gone (yet).

That shows how much he is starting to be missed.

Perhaps this hiatus is just what he needs. He's been on the #1 spot for the longest time and most of his competitors are either to old to catch up or too late to claim the spot. He has become a blind spot. Worse, he hasn't completely recovered from his knee injury, taking a momentary step-aside because of a "personal problem" seems better than a waning performance in what he does for a living.

This way he can come back when he's ready, with a bang(more like ka-ching!!), much like another just-as-successful sports marketing product, Michael Schumacher.

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